
Bienvenue parmi les humains
Eugène Houde, CRIA et Dr Serge Marquis
"When I read three years ago a few fables written by Serge Marquis, I was surprised to learn they had not yet been published: how could such gems remain hidden!..."
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Understanding Child Support Payments
How are child support payments calculated? Which basic needs are included in child support? What are some useful sources to consult?
Is family mediation for you?
During a separation or a divorce, mediation is an interesting option to help you discuss different elements ensuing from the break-up. See what family mediation can do for you by consulting our pamphlet!
Courage et discipline au travail
Eugène Houde
Which magic powers did Einstein, Kennedy, Helen Keller and Mother Theresa use to realize their biggest dreams? What are the mysterious ingredients that guarantee the success of the great ones of this world? ... Courage and discipline, the courage to choose an objective and persevere in spite of obstacles and the discipline to undertake the daily gestures, which seem insignificant, but that transform our habits... and our life.
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Émotivité et efficacité au travail
Eugène Houde
Like all other human beings, managers take decisions under the influence of emotion. It is in the manager's best interest to control the flow of emotions that inconvenience him by becoming better at identifying them.
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Le bonheur au travail
Eugène Houde
A business, it is said, is there to produce, not to make people happy. People rarely take on this great principle to write about happiness at work. After Emotions and efficiency at work, Eugène Houde illustrates in this book how to apply your own philosophy of happiness at work.
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Happiness at work
Eugène Houde
We can find greater happiness by decreasing our demands to a minimum level. This does not stop us from increasing our desires. We can benefit from having high hopes as long as we also take action so we are more effective at getting what we want. And since it would be illogical to work for an enterprise whose overall objectives conflict with our personnal goals, it makes senses that we can best achieve our goals if they are compatible with a better realization of the company's goals. Now isn't that happiness at work? See how we can work on it.
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Breaking the Emotional Barriers to Effective Management
Eugène Houde
I would like to see the publication of this volume as a signal of an era where disciplines as apparently diferent as psychotherapy and management will find more and more common ground, mutually enriching each other, instead of regarding each other with suspicion.
A volume like this wil hopefully make an effective contribution to reducing the deep-rooted prejudices that specialists in these two fields harbor toward one another. For managers, psychologists, especially psychotherapists, are usually thought of as long-haired, bearded individuals, conversing interminably about the vague and obscure problems of the wretched neurotics who somehow show up on their doorsteps. As for the therapists, they tend to see administrators or managers as human machines: stripped of emotion, interested only in production and profit, heedlessly trampling on the humans under their direction and totally ignorant of the most fundamental principles of healthy interpersonal contact.
Reading this volume and putting the teachings it contains into practice, will enable managers to accomplish their work in a less harassed manner and will predispose them to good digestion, instead of the gastric ulcers that are far too common ailment in this profession.
Lucien Auger, Ph.D.
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Initiative and Success at Work
Eugène Houde
In this book, I focused my attention on the lessons we can learn from the lives of prominant personalities. With this in mind, I have illustrated my points with excerpts from biographies of such vastly different individuals as John F. Kennedy, John Paul Getty, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, James de Rothschild, Helen Keller, Norman Bethune, Ben Weider, Hans Selye, Claude Brunet, Jacques Grand'Maison, Golda Meir and Alain Stanké. Throught their examples, I would like to demonstrate that in the final analysis, discipline is nothing other than good management of our lives and that we have a vesed interest in disciplining ourselves to achieve overall well-being. In effect, disciplined action consists of initiatives, which trough repetition will bring us little by little toward success in our individual or collective endeavors.
What are the essential components of discipline and how can initiative and courage contribute to success in our working lives? These are the questions that this sort of volume will attempt to answer, in the simplest and clearest manner possible.
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