Training recognition by various professional associations

Nos formations sont reconnues par :

Ordre des Dentistes du Québec

1 hour of training equals 1 continuing education unit (CEU)

You will receive a participation certificate and an outline of the topics discussed during the seminar. These documents can be helpful for your annual application for training recognition with the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec.

Ordre des Hygiénistes Dentaires du Québec

Our three seminars are recognized by the Ordre des Hygiénistes Dentaires du Québec and give 7 hours each. You will receive a participation certificate which might prove useful to demonstrate that you meet the training requirements of the Ordre des Hygiénistes Dentaires du Québec.

Please note: The OHDQ has accredited this continuing education activity according to the general information that was provided about it. The OHDQ did not check the detailed content of the course.

Ordre des Optométristes du Québec

Our three seminars are recognized by the Ordre des Optométristes du Québec and give 7 hours each under category B. You will receive a participation certificate which will prove useful in order to have the seminars recognized by the Ordre des Optométristes du Québec.

Chambre des Notaires du Québec

Our three seminars are recognized by the Chambre des Notaires du Québec and give 6 hours each, under the non-legal category. You will receive a participation certificate which will prove useful in order to have the courses recognized by the Chambre des Notaires du Québec.

Barreau du Québec

Our three seminars are recognized by the Barreau du Québec and give 6 hours each. However, for the Communication & Work seminar, participants have to obtain additional authorization by the continuing education comity of the Barreau du Québec since this seminar has to be linked with the profession of the participant. You will receive a participation certificate which will prove useful to demonstrate that you meet the training requirements of the Barreau du Québec and its continuing education regulation.