Our Team

Me Jean-François Chabot
Jean-François Chabot is a mediator and lawyer. He has worked as a litigator, has studied human rights in Europe and has worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
He is accredited by the Québec Bar as a mediator for civil, commercial, work-related and small claims matters. He is also a certified family mediator.
He is a member of the Association de Médiation Familiale du Québec since 2009 and is currently the president of this organization. This Association brings together more that 255 lawyers, guidance counselors, notaries, psychologists and social workers, that have received a specialized formation in family mediation, in addition to their initial training. Visit the website here: www.mediationquebec.ca.
He is also a course lecturer at HEC Montreal, since 2011, for two classes: ''Methods and practices of negotiation'' and ''The Manager and negotiation''.
His expertise as a mediator, trainer and coach is called upon in various workplaces throughout Canada.
Telephone: 450-482-1720 ext. 302
Email: chabot@chabotavocats.com
LinkedIn Profile: Click here.

Me Bruno-Pierre Allard
Bruno-Pierre Allard got his Bachelor of Laws from the Université Laval in 2011. He did an internship in penal law with criminal and penal prosecutors. He then decided to join the office of CHABOT mediator lawyers as a lawyer in October 2012.
He specializes in civil law, labor law and work relations law (individual labor contracts, labor standards, collective bargaining agreement rights, human resources). He works in the CHABOT offices in LaPrairie and St-Basile-le-Grand and he is available to answer any questions you might have in relation to his services by email or by phone without charge.
He is truly devoted to his clientele. His open-mindedness and his listening skills enable him to passionately fulfill his mandates.
He is an accredited mediator (civil, commercial, work and small claims court).
Telephone: 450-659-1717 ext. 307
Email: bruno-pierre.allard@chabotavocats.com
LinkedIn Profile: click here.
In Memoriam

Eugène Houde (1939-2009)
Eugene Houde, CIRC, president of Formation 2000 Inc. He was an experienced manager who wrote 5 books that deal with emotions and their relation to effectiveness.
He left us with a definition of Happiness: "Happiness is the gap between my demands and the achievement of my desires." The bigger the gap, the happier I become.